Let it rain

Just felt a drop of water which came to my face. How strange it is that rain does wonders for both emotions. In happiness, it helps to make them feel more happy and In grief, it hides the pain and tears of the person and they save themselves from showing sadness in their lives. Just listen to the rhythm of falling rain it only says, ‘Just close your eyes, forget everything and feel free’. It really helps to find a new version of ourselves. Actually it is the way of practice for welcoming our emotions. It might be stormy now, but can’t rain forever. Just accept the emotions that you have and that will give you another level of comfort. Just explore your emotions with the sense of openness and curiosity . There will be sunshine after the rain. It is not easy to deal with an emotion. So it’s easy to experience what our heart wants to say. We don’t need to push away or ignore our discomfort. We just need to feel it more closely. While it is so small but never stops spreading love and...